Can you share an important moment in your life that significantly shaped your values and outlook?
I learned at a very young age what death is because my father passed away when I was 8. It made me understand the value of life, the importance of interactions with people I know, and the significance of moments with loved ones. During this time, my mom instilled in me the courage to move forward in the face of adversity. I also learned the value of family because we had the support of the broader family.

What role does gratitude play in your daily life, and how does it show up in your work as a model?
I believe gratitude plays a significant role in my life because I think you have to appreciate what you have. You have to value even the challenges that life puts in your way because that’s what makes you grow. In my journey, that has been very important because I appreciate every moment. Even when I thought that I lost something somehow, life surprised me with something beautiful. I am also very grateful for the people I work with because I started in this industry without any knowledge of fashion and art. Throughout my career, I have worked with a lot of talented people who have taught me a lot in these areas, and I am very grateful for them.

Jeans, Balenciaga
How do you navigate challenges and setbacks in your career and life?
Somehow I feel that I am the most determined when I face a challenge. If I could choose a word to describe myself, it would be “Underdog.” When I have a goal, I put all my energy into it.

Can you describe a daily routine that helps you stay grounded and focused on your goals?
One of the most important things for me is to write down my to-do list so that I have a lot of clarity about what’s most important for me on any day. I also always think, “What small steps can I take today that will eventually bring me to my big goals?”

Jeans, Balenciaga
What is one small thing that never fails to bring a smile to your face?
To hear the voice of my mom every morning.

Model: Melissa Varon @melissavaronb
Photo: Gerardo Briceño @gerardobriceno
About the photographer
Gerardo Briceño @gerardobriceno.
His background is varied, with a particular focus on fashion. He has a passion for exploring the vast possibilities of photography and the many forms of expression it enables. Viewing himself as a Creative Director, he regards photography not only as his greatest passion but also as his most significant form of art.