Showing 19 Result(s)
Seyla Zanon

Seyla Zanon: The Face of Modern Elegance

In this exclusive interview, we sit down with the stunning Seyla Zanon, the Guess model who’s taken the fashion world by storm. Known for her effortless beauty and sophisticated style, Seyla opens up about her beauty routine, favorite fashion pieces, and the key items she always carries in her bag. From her go-to makeup products …


Anna De Bekkar: The Journey is the Destination

  “Do What You Cannot Not Do” Perhaps this phrase serves as the foundation of Anna De Bekkar’s work—whether as a model, photo model, actress, or television host. For her, it’s not about conforming to “accepted norms.” Instead, it’s about doing what she breathes, loves, and believes in—so that she never feels ashamed of herself, …


Kéyoh: Turning Challenges into Oportunities

Thank you! Well, my journey has been anything but ordinary. I’m Kéyoh, founder of Glam Mom Magazine, an international platform for moms and women. But before that chapter of my life, I started as a singer. In 2005, I launched my music career, and over the next decade, I had the privilege of creating international hits and traveling the world. Those years were magical—I met incredible people, created unforgettable memories, and truly lived my dream.