Chantel Elloway


From Catwalk to Crypto: Harnessing Her Expertise in Entrepreneurship and Angel Investing

Chantel Elloway is a visionary entrepreneur and investor whose dynamic career has spanned continents and industries. From her early days gracing runways, films, music videos and magazine covers as a model, Chantel seamlessly transitioned into the fields of business and investment. As the founder of a successful communications agency, CEPR over the last decade and a pivotal founding member of, she has truly redefined global com- munications and championed women’s empowerment across FinTech, Web3, and Artificial Intelligence, philanthropy and beyond. Chantel’s journey is a testament to her unique ability to blend the artistry of her experiences as a former model with the precision of transitioning into strategic investment, infusing every venture with a fresh and innovative perspective. Her extraordinary background in public relations, politics, dental hygiene, media, and blockchain trading, paired with her unwavering commitment to authenticity and impact, makes her a true leader and inspiration. Chantel stands as a trailblazer and pioneer, empowering women as she helps lead the digital revolution in Web3, AI, and Blockchain Technology.

Chantel Elloway


Chantel, can you walk us through your journey from a successful modeling career to your current role as a prominent figure in the business and investment world?

My professional path has been a dynamic journey with a kaleidoscope of experiences across a spectrum of continents and industries. From the runways of Fashion Weeks across North America to gracing the covers of catalogues, as a calendar girl, spokes- model for multiple brands and even as a promotional model, trade shows or in editorials – my journey has been a celebration of versatility and elegance.

It began on the humble runway in Vancouver, British, Columbia where I was born and raised and established myself as a formidable presence in the fashion world. My career soon transcended provinces to Toronto, ON and then borders, with immersive experiences in the eclectic style landscapes of China, Japan and abroad. From gracing the covers of esteemed magazines to leaving an indelible imprint as the star of multiple music videos and shooting various commercials – I enjoyed the art of the intersection of fashion and entertainment.

This multifaceted journey, marked by creative expression and a relentless pursuit of excellence, laid the foundation for my seamless transition into the world of business and investment. As I reflect back on my experiences modeling, Iowe much of my soft skills, confidence, and personal growth to my experiences both on and off the runway. These experiences have broadened my horizons, transformed my perspective, and have shaped my identity every step of the way since.

Modeling offered more than a mere reflection of beauty or a brand to me – but an opportunity to unveil the profound symbiosis between artistry and commerce – leveraging my ingenuity and vision to drive global change, prosper as an entrepreneur and inspire others to embrace their own transformative potential.

Chantel Elloway


What were some of the biggest skills you learned from modeling that you apply as a successful entrepreneur and investor?

One of the best decisions I made was when I was asked by my talent agency shortly after graduating high school, if I wanted to travel to Asia to model. At first, I was hesitant as I had planned to go to university right away and was still so young at the time, but I had a zest to see the world while earning money for university. I owe a lot of my success to my mother for always believing in me and encouraging me every step of the way, every day, and in every way. A key milestone moment that was the catalyst for my entire life’s path was when mother heard this news about me being asked to move away to China and Japan, and reminisced about how, at my age, her parents wouldn’t even let her cross the street alone.

I owe much of my success to my mother, whose unwavering belief and encouragement have guided me throughout my journey. A pivotal moment in my life was when I was asked to move to China and Japan. My mother, reflecting on how her parents wouldn’t let her cross the street alone at my age, emphasized her faith in my intelligence and judgment. Her steadfast support and trust in my decisions have been a cornerstone of my achievements. I am profoundly grateful for her encouragement, wisdom, grace, and love. Additionally, I am blessed by the guidance and friendship of my entire family, with whom I share a close and supportive bond. Looking back, I am grateful for my decision to take my first college/university courses online while modeling that summer right after high school. Living abroad at a young age was a transformative experience, marking my transition from girlhood to womanhood. This journey was the first of many where I ventured outside my comfort zone. The skills I gained from modeling have greatly influenced my professional life as an entrepreneur and investor. They have taught me:

Adaptability – from adjusting to new environ- ments, teams, and creative visions. This ability to adapt quickly has helped serve me in the fast-paced business world, where flexibil- ity and resilience are key, especially during vol- atile markets.

Self-Discipline – Maintaining high standards under pressure and striving to maintain a healthy way of living.

Resilience – Rejection and criticism are common in modeling. It has helped strengthen my resilience to be able to handle setbacks and navigate the inevitable challenges of the business world with conf idence and determination.

Strong Work Ethic – Results-driven professionals thrive.

Networking – As a former model, I’ve had the experience of randomly meeting and working with photographers, designers and creative artists on the spot. Finding common ground and connection is key to the energy of a shoot. These networking skills have helped me establish valuable connections and partnerships in investment more easily, especially in a fast-paced setting or meeting.

Brand Awareness – As a model, I presented and represented brands. When I founded Chantel Elloway Public Relations (CEPR), I transitioned to building and elevating brands,giving them a voice. As an investor, I leverage my understanding of brand identity and market positioning to intuitively recog- nize and seize opportunities with precision.

The Art of Negotiation – Models often negotiate contracts and rates, whether they have an agent or not. Modeling helped provide me with the framework of my negotiation skills, where I learned early – on how to navigate business deals, investments, and partnerships on favorable terms.

Financial Management – When modeling abroad, there was a certain per diem I was given per day and week. If I exceeded that, I had to pay out of my own pocket. Fresh out of high school, I learned very early on as a model how to learn to manage income, expenses, and savings. These were skills that were enhanced and evolved into budgeting, forecasting, and beyond.

Risk Assessment – In modeling, you constantly assess risks and opportunities in choosing projects. There may be some situations where you have to use your intuition and adapt quickly. This ability to weigh risks and rewards early – on in my life has served me over the course of the years in making better informed business and investment decisions.

Confidence and Charisma – Successful models exude confidence and charisma. These traits, whether you have them naturally or develop them with time, are key to helping persuade investors, negotiate effectively, and make a compelling case for your business or investment vision.

Chantel Elloway
Chantel Elloway


Chantel, as someone with a diverse background in politics, finance reporting, and now as a “Crypto Queen”, how do you advocate for financial literacy and
empowerment, espe- cially for women?

As a founding member of, amongst being an angel investor in multiple Web3/Artificial Intelligence projects – I strive to champion highly accessible and comprehensive information, videos, conferences and programs out there that demystify financial concepts, particularly in emerging fields like cryptocurrency and blockchain. Additionally, I emphasize finding a mentor – whether it’s myself or someone else – it’s truly about community building, creating networks where women can share knowledge, resources, and support. Furthermore, advocating for financial inclusion and protecting women’s economic rights by speaking on stage at conferences and having key discussions in my networks is important to me.

Can you expand on this advice in further detail on how young women aspiring to
break into the fields of blockchain and artificial intelligence can do so?

Seek Out Educational Resources – participate at conferences, in workshops, enroll in online classes to stay updated with the latest news and advancements.

Join Supportive Communities – expand your human capital by engaging in networking opportunities and a supportive environment for women in tech. By joining more communities, you can connect with other like-minded individuals, seek out mentorship, gain support, foster collaborations and learn about new opportunities in these spaces.

Gain Hands-On Experience – Invest and work on real-world proj- ects and contribute to open-source initiatives. Internships and hackathons are great ways to gain hands-on experience and apply your knowledge in practical settings.

Focus on Continuous Learning and Skill Development – stay up-to-date on the latest trends, research papers, and innovations in blockchain and AI technologies. Pursue certifications and advanced courses to deepen your expertise.

Leverage Mentorship and Role Models – find mentors who can guide you, provide insights, and help you navigate challenges. Learn from the experiences of successful women in the field.

Promote Diversity and Inclusion – advocate for diversity and inclusion in your workplace and community. Participate in initiatives that support underrepresented groups in tech, andbe a role model for other aspiring women.

Develop a Strong Online Presence – Build your online presence through blogs, podcasts, and social media. Share your knowledge, experiences, and projects to establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry.

Pursue Interdisciplinary Knowledge – Combine your knowledge of blockchain and AI with other fields such as finance, economics, marketing/PR or law. This will help you view thingsfrom another lens.

Stay Resilient and Adaptable – The rapidly evolving nature of blockchain and AI requires resilience and adaptability and being able to handle volatility and taking risks. So, be prepared for challenges and setbacks. Stay adaptable and resilient, and continuously look for ways to overcome obstacles and leverage new opportunities.

Engage in Advocacy and Policy – Get involved in advocacy and policy discussions related to blockchain and AI Understand the regulatory landscape and contribute to shaping policies.

Chantel Elloway

Chantel, how do you approach motivating and inspiring others?

I believe the world is a poem, its ink drawn from the dreams of humanity, waiting to awaken a universe within each of us. With every word that dances on our tongues and every song from our wandering steps, we become characters in the pages penned by the Great Author, an infinite narrative of Agape Love. This story has neither beginning nor end, the greatest mystery ever shared with mankind. We only need to claim each page and turn them with intention – by grace – through faith – each day. We must remind ourselves that it’s not necessarily how the world looks but how we choose to perceive it.

If we don’t see the world in a positive light, may we be the love and light to respect human rights, raise healthy families and communities, enhance financial literacy, inspire others through beauty, love art and media rather than generate or spread fear, find the benefits of science and technology, use AI as a tool to compliment versus the notion of replacing humanity and utilize the poten- tial of Blockchain Technology as an opportunity to raise self-sovereignty and elevate the consciousness of humanity.

I believe we are both the composers and performers in the symphony of our lives. Each of us is a unique melody, moving to the rhythm of faith, hope, and love. Just as music encapsulates the essence of our human condition, I believe we all share the desire to be the ‘key’ that unlocks our dreams, crafting a life that res- onates in harmony. When the record of our life plays, may it be a symphony worth listening to. Many of us aspire to change the world, even as it changes us in return. There is profound irony and beauty in this dance of transformation.

Can you share some strategies you’ve employed to over- come obstacles, both in
your personal life and in your busi- ness ventures?

I see no obstacles, only opportunities to learn and grow. I am driven by tasks, experiences, and a positive attitude, fueled by a passion for life. Passionate individuals are purposeful and intentional in their pursuits. In everything I say, do, invest in or create – I try to set an intention or do it with passion – otherwise, I may get lost or off-balance and feel I’ve lost my purpose. You see, when we remind ourselves that time isn’t still and we are always moving – the question is – in which direction do you want to move? You are either moving through life by circumstances, by the force of external forces happening to you, taking no responsibility or you are choosing to move through life with intention, taking responsibility and believing that life is truly happening for you. I choose to live life as a contributing participant rather than a detached observer, because passion participates rather than observes. Everything and everyone has meaning, uniqueness and purpose.

Many wait for the right time or right moment to do something, to invest or to take a risk, but the pres-ent moment is truly the only time we have – and the concept of waiting is the obstacle we create for ourselves. We must be generous in prosperity and gratefully in adversity.

I’m a value creator. I’ve always yearned to create something that will propel me out of bed in the morning and build something that brings purpose, joy, and fulfillment, led by my values and sustained through my goals. Since I was 13 years old, I’ve volunteered and eventually worked in government as a legislative aide and communications officer – doing media relations, writing speeches and so on. This was my way of contributing to society and my community. As I grew older, I first ventured into the finance space, working at an investment firm as an analyst, then as a finance reporter in Canada, followed by starting my own communications company, “CEPR” – helping all kinds of entrepreneurs “breathe life into their brand.” I have always been incredibly committed to assisting startups in creating cutting-edge ideas and executing results-driven campaigns designed to elevate busi- ness profiles, attract investment, establish credibility, and increase brand awareness. When Iinvest, it’s not just for monetary gain but for return on impact.

Chantel Elloway

What key principles or philosophies have driven your success?

Raising my vibration, elevating my consciousness each day and ‘showing up’ are some of the many important ways I attract more positive and empowering people, experiences and situations in my life. I honour my path and am patient with myself and others because I remind myself that I am from a Source of Agape Love and should practice “Christ-Consciousness” as often as I can while striving to be a vehicle of that love every day in all I say and do. I pray often to ask God to use me as an instrument of peace in this world and as a servant. I am here to serve others, my community, and leave this earth better when I leave it than when I came into it. I regularly monitor my inner dialogue, reminding myself to be kinder. Comparison is a thief of many things, and I refuse to let it steal my peace and happiness. Every day I wake, I am grateful and give thanks. I try to practice compassion, humility, understanding and forgiveness as often as I can. I learn a lot of what I know from: The Law(s) of Nature, The Law(s) of God, The Rule of Law for the Common Good, The Law(s) of Resonance/ Attraction and many more. I set an intention to operate from a place of love and abundance versus scarcity and fear. I am accountable for the gift of my life. I don’t take one moment or day for granted, because I believe this earth is not our final destination, as we are transient, sacred beings having this beautiful human experience – so I treat success as an experience, not a label, accolade or a final destination – but a medium to give back. The past, present and future are an illusion of time – and exist in the now – so I strive to live each moment to uplift this planet each and every day I wake in this invitation to aliveness and encourage others to join me in doing the same.

Life is beautiful and we are each in this world together, connected and belong to one another – because we are from the same Source of Agape Love – so let’s spread kindness, love and peace always.

Chantel Elloway

Credit teams:
Cover photographer: Iya Shengelia @iya_shengelia_photographer Interview
Photographer: Kitana Photography @kitana_photography
Cover Make-up artist: Artem Chernyshev @makeup_chernyshev
Interview Make-up artist and hair stylist: Jey Anney @JeyAnney
Cover Hair Stylist: Rudishin Mykhailo @rudishin_mykhailo
Fashion Stylist: Ekaterina Sergeeva @katrin_freud_
Media Relations: Say Media @pr__say_media